Maintenance Pending Suite

Maintenance Pending Suite Simon Walland Family Law

Following separation, if the breadwinner has left the home, or you have left, you might find that you have been cut off financially.  Going to court will usually take six months to a year.  How on earth can you afford to live for a year with no money.  If you find youself unable to pay the mortgage, put food on the table, buy petrol for the car, or whatever financial propblem you have, it is extremely unfair that your ex is still earning the same money yet not paying towards the bills they thay always covered before.

The court are aware of these situations and have a process called Maintenance Pending Suit which will, providing it is dealt with properly, order them to pay you a sum of money each month to keep you going.  It is intended to cover your costs, not to keep you in a luxurious lifestyle, but it will see you through the court process to a point where you get your fair share of the assets.

The process requires an application, a Statement and one, perhaps two hearings.  These should be dealt with quickly as it is seen as an emergency situation.


If you are representing yourself and just need some guidnace and support by email and telephone this service will help you.


You may want to have help in preparing the right application and discussing the potential outcome needed.  Gathering the right evidence together and knowing what to include and what not to.  Ensuring that your application has the best prospect of success is important.  This supported service offers a guiding hand through the process.


A comprehensive support package to help you avoid the common mistakes when making this type of application.  I will work with you to ensure that the application, your claim and your statement is appropriate and will be accepted by the court.  

Maintenance Pending Suite Simon Walland Family Law

Simon Walland

I am Simon Walland and I am offering these services to show and explain how you can represent yourself in the family courts with confidence. Understand the procedure and what is expected of you to get the solution you are seeking I have been a McKenzie Friend since 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010. My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups and have been able to help several thousand people in that time.

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