About Simon Walland

Helping You Represent Yourself in Court With Confidence

About Simon Walland Family Law

Simon first attended the Family Court in Medway, Kent, after he was offered just one hour each month to see his two children by his ex-wife.  Simon wasn’t willing to accept that, so he fought to gain more access.  After several hearings, he established regular contact time with his boys on alternate weekends and half of all holidays.

Following this experience, Simon decided to begin helping others like himself and became a McKenzie friend.  He attended Family Court supporting other parents and also later became the chairman of a charity helping mothers who found themselves in a similar position to his own.

Throughout this time Simon supplemented his court experience with time in the classroom and obtained a first degree in Law.  This was followed by the successful completion of the Bar Vocational Course.  In 2010, Simon was called to the Bar as a qualified barrister.  Up until this time, Simon had been an architect.  Now he had two professions.

Simon identifies the moment that set him on his path to becoming a barrister when he saw the disastrous results for one father who tried to manage his case in court, an experience which Simon describes as, “devastating to witness.”  At that moment, he knew he wanted to do more to help parents without solicitors to have a voice in the Family Court.

Simon decided that the best way to use his experience and learning would be to train others to be McKenzie friends.  He has been training people to become McKenzie friends for the last ten years with the aim of improving the standard of knowledge and skills throughout the service.

When he isn’t working, Simon spends his time tending his 20 chickens and many other animals on his farm.  He also likes to take one of his classic Triumph cars out for a run in the countryside on a sunny day.

Want to know more about Simon?  

Read about him in his own words below and find out how to contact him for an initial consultation.

When Legal aid was withdrawn from most cases in 2013, the number of people representing themselves in court increased dramatically.   So, I started to run training courses to show people how to represent themselves.  I also began to train people to become McKenzie friends as demand grew for their services.

The courses became popular and still are to this day.  I’ve taught at the Welsh Assembly, for various charities and groups, and to final year law students at a university.

I’m pleased to say that I have an extensive portfolio of cases and have appeared in all levels of the English and Welsh Courts, including the Court of Appeal and Child Maintenance Tribunals.  I’ve successfully overturned orders for mothers who’ve had their children removed, as well as orders for a variety of children and financial cases.

I experienced the anxiety and feelings of injustice you might be feeling right now when I attended Family Court to secure contact with my own children.  Let me reassure you that you CAN do this.  So, if you’re looking for help or advice about your case from someone who knows the court system well, and who can guide you properly (and with care), then just drop me a message or book an initial consultation.