Position Statements and Section 7 Reports

Short Course

Representing Yourself in Court and Preparing Paperwork 

Representing yourself in the Family Court because you cannot get legal aid, or the help of a solicitor can be stressful.  You might be worried about what documents you need to prepare. There are two key documents you need to know about before your first hearing.  The first is a Position Statement and the second is the Section 7 Report.  

What Is a Position Statement? 

When you go to court, the judge needs to know what you want the court to do and why.  Because court can be intimidating and you are likely to be nervous, writing a Position Statement before the hearing gives you the opportunity to have a good think about your situation, take advice from friends and family, or speak to someone with family law legal expertise.  Writing a clear and logical Position Statement can be crucial, so understanding how to write the document and present it is important.    

What Is a Section 7 Report? 

A Section 7 Report is a report prepared by CAFCASS or a social worker from the Local Authority (Social Services) when there are concerns about parents’ abilities to care for their children, and/or disputes about what the children want.  The judge will ask CAFCASS or the Local Authority to find out the specific information required for the case.  In writing the report, interviews will be held with both parties as well as the children (depending on their ages), and a recommendation made to the court.     

How Will the Position Statement and Section 7 Report Short Course Help Me? 

This course will walk you through the process of preparing a Position Statement and preparing yourself for an interview by CAFCASS when they put together a Section 7 Report.  You will also have access to telephone support to answer any questions you have about the content of the course.  You can study online at your own pace with lifetime access.  The course is simple and easy to follow, and you’ll also get access to a private group just for students to discuss any aspects of the course.  

Learn to Represent Yourself from an Expert 

I’ve been where you are now so I know how it feels – you can read more about my story  here.  I’ve used my knowledge and expertise from supporting people in the Family Courts for 18 years to create these comprehensive short training courses.  If you need extra support, I’m always available to help.  Imagine how much more confident you’ll feel walking into that courtroom with all this knowledge behind you.  If you prepare and do things properly, you can represent yourself without damaging your case and feel empowered by rising to the challenge.


What is included on the course that I can’t see on the lecture?


Position Statements and Section 7 Reports Simon Walland Family Law

What you’ll learn on the course

Module 1: The typical Court process

Get all the answers to your burning questions like:

  • What investigation do the court usually take?
  • What is a Schedule Two Letter and when will I get mine?
  • CAFCASS have written to say they’ll call me. What should I say?
  • When can I see my children again?
  • How many hearings will there be?
  • What happens after the next hearing?


Module 2: Position Statements

  • What does a Position Statement look like?
  • Do I really need to write one?
  • What information shall I put in it?
  • Shall I attach my evidence to it?
  • I have written ten pages. Is that enough?
  • Shall I get a drugs test to show that I don’t take them before the hearing?
  • I know what I want to say but I don’t know how to write it properly.
  • What do I need to send to the court?


Module 3: Section 7 Report

  • What information does a Section 7 Report contain?
  • What if I think it’s wrong?
  • I didn’t explain everything I think I should have – is it too late now?
  • I don’t like the recommendation. What should I do now?
  • The lady I spoke to didn’t understand things I said. Is it too late to explain?
  • I like the recommendation. What now?


People I’ve helped take back control say:


Position Statements and Section 7 Reports Simon Walland Family Law


“Excellent course. Lots to think about.”


“Very helpful and much appreciated. Thank you for sharing your insight.”


“I can’t thank you enough Simon. I like how you bring clarity to the situation as I can never see the wood for the trees.”

Position Statements and Section 7 Reports Simon Walland Family Law





  • £120 one-off payment
  • 2 hour online course
  • Start whenever you’re ready
  • Telephone support throughout
  • Access to a private, supportive Facebook group of fellow students
  • Sample documents to download
  • Lifetime access to the course so you can dip in and out whenever you like


And if you need a little more convincing…

Why not take a look at my FREE lecture on representing yourself in the family court. I’ll walk you through what you need to know about the process and you’ll get a taster of what you can expect from the course.

Here’s a quick preview


And if you want to see the full version get instant access to the whole lecture.


I’m sure after that you’ll feel ready to dive into the course and feel confident that you’re as prepared as you can be for representing yourself in court.