FREE Webinar -Represent Yourself In The Family Courts  – 9th September

McKenzie Friend Training Course

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McKenzie Friend Training Course

Train to become a McKenzie Friend

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Who Should Attend The McKenzie Friend Masterclass?

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to become a McKenzie friend in the English and Welsh Family Courts.  It may also be of use to law students looking to increase their knowledge and experience in family law.  The course would also be of use to anyone representing themselves in the Family Court in divorce, financial, and children matters. 

What Is a McKenzie Friend?

A McKenzie friend is somebody who accompanies you to court to help if you are unrepresented by a solicitor.  Your McKenzie friend can sit with you in court and offer advice and support as well as take notes to help you.  This course will help you to understand how different court applications are dealt with by the Family Court so that you can help your client with the correct information.  You can learn more about McKenzie friends here McKenzie friend

Why Attend the Course?

This course prepares you to work as a McKenzie friend in the Family Court.  You will learn about court processes and how to help your client prepare their case.  The course gives you a comprehensive education on the different levels of court, different judges, and agencies such as CAFCASS, with whom your client will have to interact.  You will learn how to support your client in all aspects as the case progresses, what your client can expect from you, and how you should present yourself in court.    

This course aims to encourage the ongoing development of learners and to this end all the content on the Simon Walland Family Law Teachable Website remains accessible indefinitely to learners who attend this course.  This includes all new Simon Walland online learning content, all of the current online short courses for clients and McKenzie friends, newsletters, and blogs. 

You may also be offered the opportunity to take on your first clients with the help and support of Simon Walland.  

If you are a law student with an interest in family law, this course will boost your chances of obtaining a TRAINING CONTRACT or PUPILLAGE.  The course will include opportunities to attend interviews with real-life clients and gain courtroom experience.  From this, you will be able to demonstrate proven skills in negotiation, court preparation, and commitment. 

Following this course, once you have a little experience, it is reasonable to be able to attend court and earn £250-£300 OR MORE PER DAY.  This is a rate which is still a fraction of the cost of paying a solicitor or a barrister for a day.  

So, if you are semi-retired or looking for a second income, or even looking to help people in a very interesting role, this is the perfect opportunity to work flexible hours and as much or as little as you like.  

How Much Does the Course Cost? 

There are sixteen modules to study over the space of 12 months.  To complete all modules the total cost will be £2160 PER PERSON – this can be paid per month at £180.00 per calendar month.

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  • Children’s Cases

  • Taking the right approach
  • Applications available
  • Application forms
  • Court preparation
  • Position Statements
  • Your first hearing
  • Managing expectations
  • Subsequent hearings
  • Judges
  • Likely approaches by the court
  • Domestic abuse
  • Welfare Checklist
  • Strategies
  • Experts
  • Injunctions
  • Enforcement
  • Court Orders
  • Witness Statements
  • Court scenarios
  • Financial Cases

  • How to become a McKenzie friend and find clients
  • Taking the right approach
  • Applications available
  • Application forms
  • Court preparation
  • Financial disclosure
  • Note for first hearing
  • Your first hearing
  • Managing expectations
  • Second hearing
  • Making an Offer and what is reasonable
  • Judges
  • Likely approaches by the court
  • Strategies
  • Experts
  • Enforcement
  • Court Orders
  • Witness Statements
  • Court scenarios
  • Final Hearing

  • Preparing for your final hearing (Fact Finding, contested hearing)
  • Witness Statements
  • Bundle
  • Examination in Chief
  • Cross examination
  • Re-examination
  • How to prepare your cross examination
  • Questions and how to formulate them
  • Submissions
  • Evidence
  • Judgment
  • Appeal
  • Skeleton Argument
  • Grounds of Appeal
  • Scott Schedules
  • Fact Finding Hearings
  • Court scenario

And much more
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