First financial hearing paperwork

First financial hearing paperwork Simon Walland Family Law

Most people that go to court to resolve their finances will find that the Form E provided by their ex is missing information, is misleading or is clearly trying to steer the courts attention away from their own situation in order to get a better deal.  People can be unreasonable and have expectations which are unrealistic.

The FDA hearing is the place to ensure that the information the court has is corrected to reflect reality and to look into missing assets.  The proces sis to write a questionnaire which focuses on the missing information so that the court can order for the true facts to be disclosed.

The hearing is used to make sure that the court is aware of the right level of income and outgoings, assets and liabilities, pensions, house values etc so that when they give advice about dividing the money at the second hearing it is at least at a realistic level.

The paperwork is important to get right and care must be taken to address the issues that the court needs to be aware of so that the truth does come out.  If you fail to do this, the courts advice at the second hearing will be unsatisfactory and no agreement will be made, or you may be pressured into agreeing to a very unfair offer.


Use this step-by-step guide and read the expert tips and techniques to ensure precision when completing the Chronolgy, questionnaire, Statement of Issues, Form G and Note for the FDA


Master the required documents and gain clarity with my video guide, a real-life example of all documents properly completed, and many other tips and help along the way. Get a deeper knowledge with my 60-minute video guide.


A comprehensive support package to help you avoid the common mistakes when filling in the Form E Financial Disclosure. Assistance at all stages of the process from a flawless Form E to a preparing for your court hearing. 

First financial hearing paperwork Simon Walland Family Law

Simon Walland

I am Simon Walland and I am offering these services to show and explain how you can represent yourself in the family courts with confidence. Understand the procedure and what is expected of you to get the solution you are seeking I have been a McKenzie Friend since 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010. My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups and have been able to help several thousand people in that time.

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