Simon Walland Family Law

When you need professional training or help in court, Simon was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010 and has over twenty years experience in the Family Courts of England and Wales. He is the Mckenzie Friend that other Mckenzie Friends turn to

From small acorns mighty Oaks grow

Simon's journey began in 2002

When Simon was offered one hour a month to see his children he made an application to the courts to ensure that he was able to maintain his relationship with both of his boys.  His journey took him through a successful application, a realisation that other people were in a similar position and needed help, and that he was keen to assist them.  With one single purpose, Simon has travelled a long way and has helped thousands of mothers and fathers to retain their relationships with their children.

About Simon Walland Family Law
About Simon Walland Family Law
A perfect fit for your every day life

You decide how much help you need

Whether you are trying to see your children, fend off false allegations or divide your assets after divorce (or separation), Simon has dealt with most situations at all levels of court.  If you need advice, or if you need the full service, Simon is able to help you.

Simplicity in design and form

A wide range of options

Recognising that everybody has different needs and abilities, Simon offers advice, training, self help guides, events and attendance in court.  Any time that you feel unsure, or that things are getting away from you, Simon can put you back on track, or step in and get involved, you choose what you need and Simon is there for you.

About Simon Walland Family Law

Simon has a vast knowledge of all areas of Family Law

About Simon Walland Family Law

Children Cases

"Anything related to children, relocation, child arrangements Orders, shared care, name changes, Parental Alienation."
About Simon Walland Family Law

Financial Cases

"Whether you owned £1 million, or £1,000, one house or ten, dividing your assets on Divorce or Separation is more important than just getting your fair share of the assets ."
About Simon Walland Family Law

Domestic Abuse

"Nobody should experience Domestic Abuse and the Court will make orders to protect you, but many people also find that orders are made based on false allegations. which need to be challenged."
About Simon Walland Family Law


"Now that we have no fault divorces, it is much easier than ever to terminate a marriage, but there are other issues that need to be considered and dealt with to prevent problems later."
I dont want to exaggerate, but Simon is a life saver. I felt that everything was against me and that there was no way out, but Simon explained the options available to me, and I am delighted to say that he was right and the future is getting better
About Simon Walland Family Law
David P
London, UK
I have attended many law training events in my lifetime, but Simons Training was superior by far to anything I have done before. Highly recommended
About Simon Walland Family Law
Angela W.
Manchester, UK

In the press

About Simon Walland Family Law