Are you prevented from seeing your children?
Do you have the time you would like with your children?
Is your time regular and consistent?
Are you being treated fairly?
Do you have an arrangement that is difficult to keep to?
Are you on the Birth Certificate?
Do you need to locate your ex and the children?
Is your ex planning on moving away?
Are you the last to know about your children?
Do you want to be treated equally and/or fairly?
When parents separate, many are able to make sensible agreements about how to share time with the children. Unfortunately there are far too many that are unable to put the children first and come to an arrangement that keeps both parents in their lives in a fair and loving way. When this happens, the family courts are usually the only way to effectively have a ‘grown up’ make the right decisions.
Over twenty years ago I was offered one hour a month with my children. Much to my ex-wifes surprise I did not think that was reasonable and so I made a court application and after several hearings I obtained an order to see them on alternate weekend s and half of all holidays. This is pretty much the minimum level nowadays, and many parents end up with equal parenting. It obviously depends a lot on your circumstances, but when appealing to your exes sense of fair play and decency fails, court has to be your next best step.
Thousands of people apply to the family courts every month, but many fail to represent themselves properly because, quite simply, they do not know the ropes. Thats where my years of expereince step in. I have put together a variety of processes which will ensure that your C100 Child Arrangement Application is correct, covers all of the issues that you need to dseal with and is accepted by the court.
- 30 minute conference call
- Latest c100 court form
- Sample c100 form to use as a guide
- Fact sheet to explain the ‘tricky’ sections
- Form check before submission
- 30 minute conference call
- Latest c100 court form
- Sample c100 form to use as a guide
- 60 minute video guide
30 minute conference call
- We complete your application
- We prepare you for court
- We coach you for the hearing
When I attended court, I crossed my fingers and hoped that things would go well for me. I avoided stepping on any cracks in the pavement on my way to court. I avoided black cats, and it all seemed to work out well in the end. I only say that to point out that you do not need to leave anything to chance. With a qualified Barrister behind you at every step of the way, coaching, guiding and directing you to the right outcome, you are the lucky one.