
Telephone court hearing

So, You’re Not Sure Whether to Apply to the Family Court?

Just the thought of going through the Family Court process can feel intimidating when you know nothing or very little about family law. You’re bound to have those niggling doubts. Could you end up making matters worse by starting a battle you can’t win? Do you have any hope of getting the judge to agree […]

How to prepare for representing yourself in court

How to prepare for representing yourself in court

Did you know 18, 000 people represent themselves in the Family Court every month? So if you’re thinking of going down this route, you can be assured you’re not alone. Representing yourself in court is becoming more and more common as people struggle to afford an expensive solicitor, or simply feel that they can do […]

simon child mediation 2

What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

A Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, (MIAM) is the first step that separated parents usually take before attending court to try to resolve conflict around a range of child arrangements including schooling, living arrangements, and travel abroad. This mediation does not usually include the child.

Children hearings in the Family Court

What Happens at Children Hearings in the Family Court

If you’re going through a divorce or separation and there are children involved, it can be hard to agree on how much contact you’ll both have with them, particularly if there’s a high level of conflict between you and your ex-spouse. If you can’t come to a suitable arrangement, an application will need to be made to the Family Court, which will intervene. As a result, you’ll have to attend one or more children hearings.