What is a Position Statement and How to Write One and Section 7 Reports

What is a Position Statement and How to Write One and Section 7 Reports
If you’re going through a divorce or separation and there are children involved, it can be hard to agree on how much contact you’ll both have with them, particularly if there’s a high level of conflict between you and your ex-spouse. If you can’t come to a suitable arrangement, an application will need to be made to the Family Court, which will intervene. As a result, you’ll have to attend one or more children hearings.
What’s it really like to cross-examine someone and be cross-examined? If you’re representing yourself in court, you might be asking yourself that very question and wondering how to prepare yourself for the courtroom. As long as you plan ahead and stick to your plan, you can avoid any unwanted scenes.
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Representing yourself in your child contact case? Expect to be told the worst but keep this key fact in mind. Simon Walland 8th February 2022 How could I know that my first experience of a court hearing would lead to me qualifying as a barrister and pursuing a career in Family Law. I think back […]
When it comes to Family Law, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around which might make it hard for you to know what to believe. It can be even more difficult to separate fact from fiction when you’re representing yourself in court without a solicitor to guide you. Our beliefs around what […]