- Who are CAFCASS and what is a Safeguarding Interview?
- Will they speak to me?
- My ex will manipulate the children against me, shall I tell CAFCASS?
- Should I tell them my ex has mental health problems?
- What do I do if they beleive my exes lies?
- What does the report look like?
- How do I challenge the report if it is wrong?
- The report is full of mistakes, what do I do about it?
- Will they speak to the children?
- I have had issues with the Police, should I mention them?
- Now that I have the report, what do I do now?
Following your children application, the court will arrange for someone from CAFCASS to call you by telephone to discuss the application. They will speak to both sides and will prepare a standard letter for the court explaining the background to the application and what each sides point of view is.
This is simply to give the court some information so that they are not hit with the information at the first hearing using valuable court time. There is however a right and a wrong way to conduct yourself in the interview. Everything you say will be written down and may come back to haunt you later if you mentiion something which you later regret.
We have a Guide to help prepare you for this stage in the application and include a telephone call to prepare you for the interview.
Use this step-by-step guide and read the expert tips and techniques to ensure that your interview is effective.
- Step-by-Step Guide: Your Safeguarding Interview
- An example Safeguarding letter
- Fact sheet to show how the example scenario went wrong
- 30-Minute Conference Call

Simon Walland
I am Simon Walland and I am offering these services to show and explain how you can represent yourself in the family courts with confidence. Understand the procedure and what is expected of you to get the solution you are seeking I have been a McKenzie Friend since 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010. My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups and have been able to help several thousand people in that time.