Represent yourself Mock Final Hearing course

Represent yourself Mock Final Hearing course Simon Walland Family Law

Adapt and Grow Your Skillset – Become a McKenzie Friend

There are three types of final hearings in the Family Court – the children final hearing, the financial final hearing, and the fact-finding final hearing. Whilst all three follow the same pattern and same method of preparation, the fact-finding hearing has a couple of additional steps in the process. This Masterclass mock trial will be a fact-finding hearing so that the course is applicable to all three. I will bring any differences to your attention throughout the day, but they essentially relate to the topic, rather than content of the Hearing.

This course is designed for those who are contemplating making an application to court whether children or finances, are already in proceedings, or are enrolled on a Simon Walland McKenzie friend training course. The course facilitates the development of a complete practical skillset and embeds a comprehensive knowledge of the Family Court process followed for a children or financial case final hearing.

The course is run face-to-face by legal expert, Simon Walland. Simon has over twenty years’ experience of dealing with children cases and qualified as a Barrister in 2010.

Prepare for the course by engaging with resources outlining a scenario to become familiar the case study to be examined on the course. Examine additional supporting documentation including, statements from previous hearings leading up to the final hearing and the Section 7 report to become familiar with the case study.

Participants complete individual and group activities to complete an analysis of a final hearing statement, highlighting important issues and features. Using the findings of this examination, participants are supported and guided to plan and write an appropriate case theory and full closing submission.

Participants learn how to respond to a written statement and scrutinise a range of evidence submitted with the statement. Learners undertake a further detailed analysis of the evidence to produce a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of evidence. Participants work together to discuss, plan and create a list of cross-examination questions for two lines of evidence presented to them.

Attendees observe the full hearing bringing together all the components worked on over the day including hearing the evidence and cross-examination as it would happen in the courtroom and comparing it with their own preparations. The group are then given time to critique the hearing, consider what went well, suggest improvements, and ask questions.

You will:

  • analyse an opposing statement identifying issues and contradictions
  • learn the purpose of a case theory in preparing for a hearing
    plan and write a case theory
    plan and write a closing submission
  • identify the common issues to deal with in a final hearing
    scrutinise evidence and assess its legitimacy
  • prepare for cross-examination
  • practise cross examination delivery techniques
  • Observe a final hearing role play
  • critique all aspects of the hearing
  • ask relevant questions to clarify learning

By the course’s conclusion, participants will have gained the essential knowledge and practical skills necessary to confidently prepare for a Family Court hearing. Course attendees are given copies of all relevant model documents along with additional templates as references and guides.

Represent yourself Mock Final Hearing course Simon Walland Family Law

Simon Walland

I am Simon Walland and I am offering these services to show and explain how you can represent yourself in the family courts with confidence. Understand the procedure and what is expected of you to get the solution you are seeking I have been a McKenzie Friend since 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010. My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups and have been able to help several thousand people in that time.

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