FREE Webinar -Represent Yourself In The Family Courts  – 9th September

Train as a McKenzie Friend

Train as a McKenzie Friend Simon Walland Family Law

Demand for McKenzie friends has never been greater so if you are looking for a rewarding people-centred role and think you can support people going through the trauma of divorce or children proceedings, this is the perfect time to join this unique and evolving support sector.

Once viewed with suspicion by the legal establishment, the McKenzie friend’s stock has risen dramatically in recent years as demonstrated in 2016 when The Judicial College reported that,

“in a climate where legal aid is virtually unobtainable and lawyers disproportionately expensive, the McKenzie Friend and lay representatives make a significant contribution to access to justice”.

Indeed, the end of legal aid for Family Court cases in 2013 has transformed the relationship between the client and McKenzie friend from friend/family member offering unpaid courtroom support to that of service provider paid by a client in return for support and guidance in case preparation and presentation.

This expanded role demands greater responsibility and competence. With a law degree, barrister training, and vast experience at all levels of the court system, I know what is required to excel as a McKenzie Friend in today’s Family Court. 

Over the last decade, I have worked as a consultant and educator to share my knowledge and experience of the family law system. Initially, my courses were only available to the charity and university education sectors. However, with the lack of quality training available to meet the new demands made on McKenzie Friends today and as a passionate advocate of making justice available to all, I have created these courses below that provide the necessary learning journey to becoming a highly competent McKenzie friend.

Whether you wish to be a beacon of good practice or ensure your desire to support people is matched with the right knowledge and skills, you can be confident that Simon Walland Family Law Training is committed to making this profession one you’ll be proud to be part of. 

Enrol today with Simon Walland Family Law Training. 


This course includes approximately 20 hours of video guidance plus 1 seperate day of training with Simon Walland in London on either children or financial cases. 

If you wish to work as a Mckenzie Friend in both the other course can be purchased seperately for £160.

These days can be provided online if prefered however you will get a lot more out of attending the face to face events.


It is one thing to learn how to do a specific task and to do it live for a client.  Simon has created shadowing modules in the following topics.  They provide you with a case, you work on the case and SImon will grade your results and provide you with his papers.  Each module has three or four examples to fllow and be graded on.


The Masterclass option is the highest level of training available for Mckenzie Friends that want to be seen as serious and professional.  They include online resources as well as attendance at training days in London, and shadowing cases with Simon Walland.

Train as a McKenzie Friend Simon Walland Family Law

Simon Walland

I am Simon Walland and I am offering these services to show and explain how you can represent yourself in the family courts with confidence. Understand the procedure and what is expected of you to get the solution you are seeking I have been a McKenzie Friend since 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010. My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups and have been able to help several thousand people in that time.

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