Cross-Examination, what is it and how to prepare for it

Cross-Examination, what is it and how to prepare for it
Divorce is tough no matter what your situation or circumstances, but it’s even harder when children are involved. Having to make important decisions about childcare and finances after divorce can lead to heightened emotions and a certain level of conflict. Arguments may escalate and tension between ex partners can negatively impact on children. A high […]
If you’re preparing for representing yourself in court, you might be wondering who you can take with you for support on the day of the hearing. Whilst it can be a comfort to have a friend or family member with you, it’s best to take someone who is objective and not emotionally invested in your […]
You might have already decided you want to represent yourself in court, or perhaps you’re still mulling it over. Perhaps you’re worried you’ll mess it up and jeopardise your case, but you don’t have the money to pay a solicitor to act for you. It’s a big decision. Whatever your situation, you need to know […]
When the court makes an order, whether it be for children, finances or any other area of law, the court assumes that it will be followed. A lot of work and effort will have gone into reaching the point that an order is made, and it is made for good reason. However, the court do […]
An injunction is an order which prevents someone from doing, or not doing, something. Both of these actions are particularly relevant in the Family Courts and are a very common feature of the court system. The most common types of Injunction are to prevent domestic abuse or to prevent the removal of a child. Allegations […]